For those of you who are unsure of how the verification process works, here is a short explanation: When you create any new feature, it is recorded as an unverified feature and will only be displayed in the Unverified Map. This item is then downloaded and checked over by our team of verifiers which will look at the geometry, code and text of the feature created by the user. The geometry represents the placement of the feature, the code represents the type and the text represents the name such as road names and numbers. If all three items is correct, the feature is verified and will appear in the verified People’s Map layer. If the geometry fails verification, the feature is deleted. Please note that cartographic discretion is used when evaluating the geometry and only data that is totally out of place will be deleted. If the geometry pass, but the code or the text fails, only the text is deleted and the item remains unverified until updated.
Please refer to the following blog article explaining the different layers in People's Map. This article a clearly distinguish between the verified and unverified map.
We are currently developing a traffic light system that will highlight the unverified features with different colors according to the criteria for failing the verification process. Currently it not possible for our users to know if the features they created are still unverified because it has not been looked at or it has not yet passed the verification criteria.