Thursday, 25 September 2008

The People's Map is Growing!!

The Peoples Map data coverage is growing by the day. So far, the peoples map users have created more than 100,000km of roads , 40,000 town & place names, 12,000 points of interested, 17,000 km of railways, 30,000km of rivers, 18,000sqkm of land use polygons and also 3,000qkm of lakes & dams.

Currently the following cities are complete: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham. Cities like London, Cardiff, Bath and Brighton are also making very good progress and we are expecting to have complete datasets for Central London, Bath and Isle of Wight by the end of this year. Town centre's for Exeter, Plymouth, Penzance, Padstow and St Ives have also been created. We have also noticed that editors have started to work in Swindon, Bristol, Portsmouth, Reading, Leicester & Norwich.

Unfortunately some editors have not yet started work on a few significant UK cities and towns like Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Leeds, Nottingham & Northampton.

Although this article reflects how much data has already been created, it also highlights that we have quite a bit of work ahead of us to complete a UK wide data set!

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